Monday, May 09, 2011


- Camille sat quietly; the fine line between knowing anything with conviction and acting with logic while carrying no truthful certainty in her heart.... could she ever meet any realistic goals living like this?

~ I’m here, am I not?
Full bodied like a crisp wind
The restless words
Being spit
Down the funnel
Of your eager ear
Reaching the bottom of
An aching heart
Merciful, but
For the waiting has made
It hard
For feelings to be
Allowed in

I’m here, am I not?
All feelings
All flesh and red, hot blood
An ocean of vibrant pieces
Of this puzzle
You’ve been working on, but
Feeling blue
For the blue of your eyes
Speak in a tone of colors
I’ve never heard anywhere else, it
Speaks to me
In a harsh and fierce mood and
I respond to it, I’m here
Breathing the same air
You breath but
Unable to share
The same taste for longing
I thought you would
Die to kill

Well, I’m here,
Am I not?
My part of this deal written in stone
You have my number, my hands and shoulders
You have my full
And strong arms
You have my ears
To hear only your voice
And the sounds you’ve waited
To let someone hear,
One who might look or
Maybe even sound
A little bit
Like me, so

I’m here
You must be here too
All flesh, blood and saliva
The taste I knew
I would love to taste
The thick skin that allows
No one in but,
You’re here and yet
All is very dark my love, so
Come near

Fear fuels only the weak and
Weakness is not
What matches
Your mirthful skin
It suits only
Those who lack
The type of loyalty
Only our unrest
By heart. ~