I’m half the woman I am if I’m not you.
If I lay down I remember who you are when you carry the girl time forgot to embrace away.
I think it’s not only the smell, it’s the weight from your body, your hand down my neck, the breath that will slightly move my hair, the bodies combined together as a big mess of heat…
I think it’s YOUR heat.
It’s the million ways you have to catch my eye.
The dreams that marry,
The wills getting exercised,
The weight that vanishes,
The full that never runs empty,
It’s you.
And someone will say that I must be me before being us,
But I know
More than anyone
That I was us before I even met you.
And that what’s left in the end is the life built to last differently from anyone else’s life, it’s our clay, our bread, our empty canvas, our avid tablatures, our time and space to be more than anyone could ever be with anyone else.
It’s only the two of us who understand – and want – each other for being unique in a crowd of preciseness.