Sunday, January 10, 2010


it is now
at twenty-five that I
do my eyebrows
and look for the right angles in the mirror

-- not that I didn't
know them very well already
by fifteen --

it is now that
remember of things that
seem like distant lives I have lived
only to stare in wonder
of my little or none
belief in my own self

I once believed
and a minute after
dropped the hope

when will it be
the definitive time
to gain it back?

maybe it is only the twenties --

the age where adulthood
hits you in the back of the head
and watches you suffer as a
and undefined lonely lost soul
hanging desperately
by any given gutter --

maybe it is just the stigma
I carry
by --
oh well --
being me

and even in a wrack of a poem
such as this
at twenty five
I believe
that the word behind I
and behind eyes alone
is not the one to blame for my
characteristic lack of segments --

after all
it is only now
at twenty five that I
to pluck the eyebrows
while I wipe the side of my cheeks
as I ask myself
what is the true meaning
of such act
as this

-- the mechanical result of this
useless and poorly developed