someone who will make me feel this or that way. what a false idea we put ourselves through. all those... irresistible little tricks our minds play on us so we will get rid of the only true thing that still is our one and only responsibility: being sure of ourselves. so much has been said and falsely done in the name of self-esteem. so much has been studied and falsely claimed. so much has been digested over and over again only to be regurgitated as soon as the idea falls flat on the back of our desire. our minds are dirty little bastards trying to tell us the problem's true core lies always outside of our very skin. well... i know who i am. i know how much i'm worth. i know how many countless times i've realized these facts and how many more times i've understood that there is nobody like me on the face of this useless and worthless planet, but i've never truly acted as if i actually knew all of these things... and do you want to know something even better? there's nothing i loathe more than myself - now that is the true problem, the true ogre of our days, the doom of generations from the past, present and future, the only true problem to be solved: our very own selves.
we are the problem, folks and foes. we are the end and the poorly arranged beginning... and you know what? i don't give a flying fuck anymore.